Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Best Little Eagle House In Homer

Alot of people forget about the cheapest tour guides in a new place; the LOCALS!
After renting a car and driving around for 12 hours talking to people, Ryan and I
were pointed to Anchor Point, Alaska, just north of Homer, and home to the MOST
Bald Eagles on a beach on the Planet! Below are just a few of the more than 900 pictures
Myself and Ryan had the oppurtunity to take. Enjoy!

Homer, Alaska... In Monochrome

This was a fun image to work with. The framing's a little crooked, but it has
alot of character.

After walking about an hour, we came to the last stop/turnaround point.
Perfect decrepit little bridge over a brook.

Believe it or not, this picture was taken from a car traveling at 25 MPH.

One of my favorites, with the exception of the dang satellite dish!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have been taking pictures for awhile now, and I thought it'd be fun to have a place to upload my pictures, and have them reviewed and critiqued by others. I am in the Navy, so I do alot of traveling. I've had the priveledge of traveling to many different places, and taking pictures from a multitude of cultures.


Macro Flower

Balboa Botanical Gardens